Thursday, May 31, 2012

DC or Bust!

It's my Friday-WAHOO! And in a few short hours I will be headed to this place....
Welllll I will not be going inside obviously, but I am headed to Washington DC where I will probably be right outside the gates! I am taking 2 (that's right TWO) cameras. I have been to DC before but never as an adult so I am excited to relive what I remember as a child.
Let me introduce you to my travel crew...
This here is my dear friend Leigh Ann. Her mother works for Continental (I know it is now United, but I am loyal to the brand) so she flies for free. Lucky little lady. I would totally ride those coat tails if I could-and trust me, I have tried. But there was something to do with adoption and I think my mother would miss me too much ;)
This is my spicy red headed roommate Heather. She absolutely loves DC. And let me tell you, once she found out we were going, she certainly did invite her self and bought a ticket quicker then we could even think to say yes! Either way, she is a good time and I am excited she is coming!
Wesley is the only boy traveling with us until we get to DC. Man do I feel bad for him. He knows exactly what he is getting himself into though. He knows us girls extremely well and what crazy people we are. The picture is a little misleading. He is not as "gangsta" as he is making himself look. I mean he is from H-Town, but he is super sweet to all us girls!
Now this guy is the whole reason we are headed to DC. This is Coleman. And as you can see, he went to Texas's okay we still love him though and don't judge [only kidding]. Coleman is kind of a big deal in DC---this is where he works:
That's right, on the Hill. It's almost like we know a famous person....almost. So we are bringing Texas up to DC to take lots of pictures. I hope you are ready Coleman! We are coming for you in about 7 hours! Now does anyone have any suggestions on eat/drink/site see/things to do in DC? Or maybe just your favorite exhibits? Thanks, have a great weekend dear blog world....

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in DC! So glad you found my blog.. I of course have to follow someone who shares my awesome name :)
